Age & (Dis)abilities

Our focus today will be on age groups and people with disabilities.

We’ll start with age.

What are the major age groups covered in the US News media?

  1. Mature/World War II Generation/Traditionalists/Silent
  2. Baby Boomers
  3. Generation X
  4. Generation Y/Millennials / Echo-Boom
  5. Generation Z/Nexters

Who makes up each group?

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Geographic Diversity

One good thing the reading you did mentioned is that there is diversity among people who struggle with poverty — and not just racial diversity, but geographic diversity.

What is Geographic Diversity?

  • Coverage that accurately represents the diversity of communities that people live in.
  • This can be as specific as different types of neighborhoods, or as broad as different states or countries.
  • The goal is that a news outlet should make it’s coverage represent the geographic diversity of the area it covers.

In terms of social class, why might it be important for a reporter look at geographic diversity?

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